Current Project Status

Hey everyone!

The project is coming along. I have a full time job (also in games) and I really can only work on this in free time when the mood strikes.

Recently implemented a menu based fast travel system. When you enter a city/outpost, the game will populate the travel menu with it and hide all the undiscovered choices.


Ascalon City is the only town discovered in this screenshot.

What am I currently working on?

Implementing quests. This is pretty tedious and takes the most time for debugging to make sure it works as intended and any edge cases that might occur. Focusing on warrior right now. Once all the primary warrior quests are done, I will move on to the next profession.

Community Help

Art and combat balance is not a focus right now. I’m trying to setup the maps to match the original game as much as possible with the resources I already have. But all the prettyness will happen at the end of the project as it is very easy to swap out the tilesets and sprites.


Ashford Abbey

If you are an artist and would like to help out, feel free to use the Contact page to get in touch! For everyone else, please send any ideas of what you would like to see in the game.





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